India Climate and Energy Modelling Forum (ICEMF) is a platform for leading energy experts, think tanks, researchers, modellers and policy makers to collaborate and examine important climate, energy and environment related issues, including their economic linkages, through integrated modelling exercises.
ICEMF was originally institutionalized as IEMF (India Energy Modelling Forum) on 2nd July 2020, under the aegis of the Sustainable Growth Pillar (SG Pillar) of India-US Strategic Clean Energy Partnership (SCEP). SG Pillar, one of the five pillars of the SCEP, is co-chaired by NITI Aayog and USAID. To meet the “Panchamrit” commitments made by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India during COP26 at Glasgow, the scope of IEMF was expanded to include climate and economic modelling leading to a revitalised ICEMF.
ICEMF aims to develop a vibrant climate-energy-economic modelling community in India and provide a larger role to systems modelling and analysis in the government’s informed decision making processes. The forum will work towards developing policy solutions to support decarbonisation, clean energy transition, net-zero pathways and meeting national ambitions of energy independence and energy security.

The need for India led Energy Modelling Forum was felt during the first workshop organized by NITI Aayog and USAID on Energy Modelling Forum
The 1st India Energy Modelling Forum Workshop was held at NITI Aayog
Working Group was set up to deliberate on the structure, role, stakeholders, knowledge partners, staffing and other functional aspects of the IEMF
NITI Aayog and USAID jointly launched the India Energy Modelling Forum (IEMF) during the SG Pillar Meeting
First Steering Committee Meeting of IEMF was held to finalize the composition of IEMF
Second Steering Committee Meeting of IEMF held and research areas finalized
Task Force Meetings held to finalise the scope of studies
'Panchamrit' announcements by Hon'ble Prime Minister of India at COP26, Glasgow
Organic evolution of India Energy Modelling Forum (IEMF) into India Climate and Energy Modelling Forum (ICEMF)